Food for thought

Published under Uncategorized.

US astronaut set to be first teacher in space

so much for “educator astronaut” huh?  :)

Thought of the day: 

“A well-spoken, logical argument can trump a good, creative idea.”  – me. 

Sometimes I wonder if I argue things for the wrong reasons.  (I’m not talking matter-of-principle ideas here, Deedee).  :)    I generally don’t like change.  Even more so when change is caused by someone else and it impacts some idea I came up with or some product that I happen to be maintaining.  When someone presents an argument for change, I usually immediately counter with an argument against it.  It takes a lot to convince me that my way isn’t the better way.  Mind you, it’s not impossible.  If I see a benefit to your way of thinking, that’s fine. 

The problem comes in when you have someone who is a weak debater – either they lack the words to voice their argument properly, or they don’t think things through.  It’s like a high school debate… it’s not the person who is “right” who wins… it’s the person who sounds better. 

So, should I still argue ‘con gusto’ out of reaction when I know I’m debating with someone who has weak debating skillz?  Is it fair of me to trounce their idea if I know they won’t be able to defend it properly?

food for thought.  later…



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