Old drama

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People amaze me. 

My sister just ran into a guy I knew back in high school.  She semi-recognized him, and decided to say hi.  He decided to launch in on this bit about how I cheated on my girlfriend by sleeping with his girlfriend during his junior year of high school.  (i.e., my senior year of high school – over 10 years ago). 

(Long story short:  It didn’t happen.  In the end, I had proof it didn’t happen.  From the accuser, actually.)

So yes… amazed.  I’m amazed that this guy is stupid enough to still believe it.  I’m amazed he’s still bitter about it, and still blames me for it.  I’m amazed that he hasn’t moved past it, given the last I heard, he was married to someone else.  It amazes me that even if he felt all that, he would decide to vent to my sister about it. 

When my sister just told me this, I had thought about sending this idiot an email or something to tell him to get over it.  But maybe I’ll just ignore him.  While his idea of the truth of the situation differs greatly from the truth being observed by the other people involved, maybe it’s what he needs to believe?  On one hand, I don’t want him to go smearing my name to all the people I still know in Southaven who might not know me well enough to know better…   but on the other hand, it was a life-altering situation…   my mom always asks "Will this matter in 10 years?"  and the answer here was definitely "yes."  I mean, one lie managed to blow apart relationships that were several years long.  If you were to remove that one accusation from history, the lives of at least 13 people could be drastically changed.  On the third hand, I have to say that everyone except for him looks back and puts it in perspective and says, you know, according to fate, it’s exactly what needed to happen at that time.  Is he so unhappy in his life and marriage that he needs to find someone to blame? 

I dunno…  maybe this is like a D&D campaign…   the guy that you just insult early in the campaign devotes his life to hating you, and comes back to be the powerful arch enemy later.  but I hope that this guy doesn’t decide to hunt me down or anything.  I’d take no pleasure in destroying him if he tries anything.  I don’t harbor any ill will towards him, but I take people that psycho very seriously. 

2 Comments to Old drama

  1. Deedee,

    high school drama! aaaagggghhhh!

  2. manda,

    i’m not sure whether i should feel pity or point and laugh in derision. seriously, if *I* have been over it for years now, everyone else should be over it too. i was over it before i knew it was a crock of shit to start out with. :P

    also, i’m not sure if this is going to post. stupid blogger.