Who knows?

Published under Uncategorized.

Well, I did not dream of fighting kung-fu style to crash a party where Julia Roberts was stealing an egg… so that’s a relief. 

I guess I haven’t written very much lately.  That probably means I’ve been very busy, which is actually the case most of the time.  Work has been full of busy work, and we’re trying to get the house in order for a BBQ this weekend.  Of course, I sent out the invites last week, and so far only 2 people have definitely accepted.  Everyone else has hemmed and hawed about it, and some people have flat out said no.  I think I appreciate that more than the tenative acceptances.  On more than one occasion I have gathered enough food to feed 30-40 people and had only a handful show up. 

On one hand, I could feel all insulted and hurt and stuff, but on the other, it’s probably for the best.  I like the idea of being popular and entertaining tons of people, but I don’t really like the realities of it.  I much prefer hanging out in small groups where you can potentially pay attention to everyone who is there rather than running around to different groups of people scattered about in different rooms having different conversations.  Part of me would like to belief that since I’m an hour away from most of the people who are invited, the people who show up are actually interested in being friends, rather than they just drove an hour each way for some free food. 

On a related note, I read online this weekend where someone referred to me as one of their "oldest and dearest friends."  Naturally, my first reaction was to joke about the fact that I’m not that old.  But honestly, it’s really good to know that I still qualify as a close friend for anyone these days (deedee aside).  I seem to be falling away from everyone.  I can’t spend hours on the computer talking via IM to friends who are now scattered to all ends of the US – from Raleigh, NC, to New Haven, CT, to Seattle, WA – and many, many places between.  It seems we’ve managed to chase off all of the friends we’ve made since we moved down here, or at least keep them at bay with neverending drama.  There is only one person I hang out with or talk to on any regularity, the only one person who’s been over to our house for months now (with the exception of three role players who came over for a few hours), and she’s leaving in two weeks and won’t be back to Houston until late 2009, if she comes back at all. 

Up at work, I’ve fallen out of all of the social circles here, which seem to center around the buying, brewing, and/or consumption of beer.  I do none of those things.  I thought about joining the co-op softball team they’re putting together, but because they try to be so darn competitive, I’d be a permanent bench warmer.  (and no kidding, as I was writing this, the team captain just let me know that the roster was full and they didn’t need me, but he’d keep me in mind if they needed someone and couldn’t find another sub.)

And I’ve quit karate, on top of everything else.  The sensei kept trying to chase me off, and he finally succeeded when I went to pay for last month’s classes.  After I handed him my credit card, he casually told me that my rate was being increased by $50/mo.  Then he quickly swiped my card.  That put me paying only $10 less than what entire families pay to attend up there.  And trust me, he is not worth even that much.  Anyway, I left without saying anything, and I’m still trying to decide whether or not I want to take any actions against him, subtle or overt. 

So yeah… that means that nowadays, I work, eat, sleep, then work some more.  If it weren’t for Deedee, it’d be quite depressing.  At least there’s always one good thing about my life. 

Anyway, I have to quit before this pool of pity becomes so big that other people can come wallow in it, too. 

5 Comments to Who knows?

  1. David,

    Well, considering that when I was out there, I came in as a lower priority than Crocodile Dundee, you’ll get no sympathy here.

    The only reason I can live with myself was that at least it wasn’t Crocodile Dundee II.

    Seriously, though, hope things pick up for you.

  2. wolff,

    actually……. it was Crocodile Dundee II :)

    I’m sure things will pick up. There’s over a million people around here… surely, there’s a couple that we can get along with, right? :)

  3. -Kat,

    last I checked, we were friends… right?

  4. manda,

    luckily for everyone involved, i never much factored in “time spent together” or “proximity” when it came to friendship. :P of course, that could be because i’m one crazy antisocial sort of person.

    why can’t everyone’s OMG dream job/college/place to live be in, i dunno, one place?

  5. NightKat,

    Hey –
    had an awesome time at your party… thanks for inviting us… met cool ppl.
