
Published under Uncategorized.

Quote of the Day:
I’m running as fast as I can just to keep my head above water. -management

QotD came from a meeting I went to today. I won’t bore you with the details, other than to say I’m amazed at the hypocrisy that exists at all levels of this organization.  Really high management telling people to do things that even they don’t do.  Senior peons complaining about how management treats them when they do the same things to junior peons. The thing that really bugs me is our group telling the division management that the group can’t effectively do it’s job because we don’t have enough certified people. When, internal to our group, they punish and hold back people who try to get certified faster.

The politics of this place are starting to wear on me, and I’ve only been here 6 months. No wonder the average turnover here is 5 years.(seriously… out of a group of 21, there’s only 1 person in our group who was here in 2001.) this is apparently the norm.

Ok, enough. No more whining from me.

1 Comment to QotD+

  1. NightKat,

    I think feeling (the quote) is a universal right now.