Misquote of the day

Published under Uncategorized.

(Mis)Quote of the Day:

"It’s overkill… Like killing Russians with a shotgun."  – said inside the mockup of the international space station. 

So, he actually said, like killing roaches with a shotgun..  But I don’t think I was the only one to misunderstand, because there was a gasp and silence afterwards.  I didn’t even realize what he had actually said until later, when he said it again, but added "instead of a fly-swatter."  so, yeah.  Was relatively interesting. 

In other news, Christmas-time has officially started, methinks.  I’ve started actively seeking crimma gifts.  I probably should have started sooner, but up until last week, it was like 75 degrees out here.  I could not justify crimma shopping in 75 degree weather.  But then last week, it got cold.  All at once.  Seriously, it dropped 35 degrees in two hours, and stuck there. 

Ok, have to get back to work.  Later.

2 Comments to Misquote of the day

  1. David,

    So what is appropriate for killing Russians with?

    It would have been even better if the mock-up included the triple-barreled shotgun the Russians keep in orbit.

  2. Deedee,

    but of course, on the international space station they couldn’t actually call it a triple barreled shot gun… they would have to call it somehting like a “high velocity three-way lead delivery system” or HVTWLDS, for short.