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I should have known something was up when I was walking into my building and every single person except for me was carrying a coat. But I thought, hey… it’s 73 degrees outside. Why do they have coats? 30 deg drop in temp in a little less than an hour. That’s why they have coats and I do not. Now I feel like the stupid one. Even more stupid by the fact that my lovely wife tried to warn me today that it was going to get cold eventually, but I was still partially asleep and didn’t remember until after I had left the house, and I didn’t feel like going back, and… yeah. Not so smart.

I had something else I was going to type about… but now I don’t remember. But I’m stuck at work for another 20 minutes, so I guess I better go find something constructive to do. Like talk about the weather with my coworkers…

Oh yeah… Was going to talk about how my business fell through at literally the last second. As I was getting ready to pay for the LLC filing, one of the guys backed out. Said he didn’t want to work with me because he thought I might not be available enough. Yeah. He’s the one who had been causing problems all along, and my best guess is that with no more excuses left, and with everything getting real and him about to be committed to a real business, he freaked and backed out. Sure, blame it on me. Fine.. But which one of us was actually ready to plop down a substantial amount of money for the business? Hint: me. You know, maybe I won’t rant about it too much, but it really does annoy me. I mean, even if the guy just didn’t like me enough to go into business with me, you’d think he’d figure that out prior to the zero hour. I mean, we’ve been putting this together since February. And he backs out now? Anyway…

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