Questionable quotes

Published under Uncategorized.

Saw this bumper sticker on my way to work:  
Support faith-based
missle defense systems.

I’m not even sure what to make of that.  I can’t tell if it was meant to be random humor, or some sort of statement?  There’s no context?

And speaking of questionable things… I got a memo at work…  it’s telling us that our health benefits are going to be cut back AND cost more in the future, and to prepare for it, we should "increase our wellness."  no lie.  Increase my wellness?  Is wellness a word?  (I think I’ve ranted about that word before.)  To help increase our wellness, we’re encouraged to complete the Total Wellness Survey.  They then follow that by a bunch of stupid anecdotes that are very obviously made up, since the survey was released after the memo was delivered.  Here’s my favorite:

"Someone I work with found out they had high blood pressure and they never knew it."    Why do we have doctors, when you can diagnose chronic health problems by filling out surveys? 

You know, on second thought…   it makes sense.  This stupid memo has definitely raised my blood pressure.  The survey isn’t diagnostic… it’s part of the cause. 

And the quote of the day today is kinda paired with the first quote above, since I’m not going to give you any context for it…  but then again, do I ever?

Quote of the Day:
"Never mark your toys unless you want people to know you play with them."

2 Comments to Questionable quotes

  1. manda,

    your comments are difficult. they do not like me. BUT. i had to say this:

    pumpkin muffins are good for you. they would increase your wellness!

  2. tmberwolff,

    aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! no more wellness. except to say that now I’m left wondering the wellness benefit of nibbling.