Template fixes

Published under Uncategorized.

Other than the fact that I can’t get rid of this annoying space between the date and the entries, I think it’s fixed (it being my template).  At least you can see comments now…  now if I could just fix the formatting of these email posts…

6 Comments to Template fixes

  1. NightKat,

    this comments formatting looks somewhat familiar… ;)

  2. Deedee,

    Guess who he stole it from? ;-)

  3. NightKat,

    yeah – I wonder…

  4. Tmber,

    i steal notzing. not-zing.

  5. Deedee,

    Whatever :-)

  6. NightKat,

    All I said was that it looked familiar – I never said that it was “stolen”… So yeah, whatever.