“crush U.S. imperialists’ schemes with its self-defensive power.” Not
really worthy of a quote of the day, but it really makes you stop and
think… I mean… was it a mistranslation? Probably not. Anyway,
I had to scratch my head at it, so I thought I would share.
In other news, the texas ren fest is awesome. I highly recommend going,
even if you have to drive several hours to get there. We spent 11 hours
there last weekend, and still didn’t see everything. We’re planning on
going back this weekend, actually. 35 acres is a LOT when you fill it
full of vendors, shows, weirdos, half-dressed women, swords, more shows,
more vendors… etc. And I was actually amazed that they let people
carry live steel as part of their costumes… I was further amazed that
everyone carrying live steel was treating it with the utmost respect; I
never saw a sword drawn in a public area…
Also, I started my costume. Stuff is way too expensive to buy all at
once, but if we go back a couple of years in a row, I should have a
pretty nice getup.
yeah, glad you had a great time… so did we. Thanks for driving.