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Police suck. No two ways about it.

I went in to the court today to press charges on the kid who came into my house. The prosecutor and the judge were very nice. They listened to our stories, and looked at the pictures. They told me there were additional charges that needed to be filed. Another misdemeanor, malicious mischief, and felony burglary, which was breaking the plane of my residence with intent to commit a crime, assault. They told me to stop by the police station and write up these charges and I could sign the paperwork tomorrow.

So I hop on over to the police station, thankful that someone was helping me out a bit… What do I get? “A. Bennett”… that’s who I get. Starkville Police officer. He doesn’t listen to my story, doesn’t care about the pictures. He immediately starts telling me that I should not file these charges since they will never stick. Tells me there’s no way a jury would ever convict anyone of this felony since I yelled at the guy outside. I insist on doing the paperwork, and he then switches to saying, even if I do press these charges, and even if by the remotest chance this guy does get convicted, then three or four years down the line, he might do some jail time. When I still insisted, he said, and I quote, “I can see you’re never going to understand what I’m saying.” I told him not to call me stupid. He got all loud and told me that I was never to put words in his mouth, that he neither said nor implied anything. Yeah right. I can’t say what I really think about this guy, but I am amazed at his ability to put victims on trial. I total feel like I have done something wrong. I know I haven’t, but the police just keep pounding away at me. It’s worse than the actually beating I did receive.

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