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I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sick and tired of being offended by literature. Why do we keep these books on the shelf? What exactly are we telling our children? It’s not enough that we simplly burn every copy of Mark Twain’s historically accurate portrayal of the south, Huckleberry Finn. No, we need to go one step further. Not just content that is offensive to the morbidly stupid… No! we must ban novels that even have titles that might be offensive. That’s why I’m proud to announce that as of today, I am launching a campaign to fix this injustice. I’m calling it Operation “Moby Richard.”

As indicated by the name of Operation “Moby Richard,” I aim at changing this most foul of book titles first. Anyone can see the true meaning behind this book. Great White Whale, indeed. I mean, just look at the most quoted lines from the book: “… I stab at thee; …I spit…” ** and who can forget, “there she blows!”

Maybe we should just rename the book “Moby Cigar!” The more I think about this book, the more I think we should just burn it… yes… burn it, but only AFTER we change the name to Moby Richard… or Moby Cigar… either way.

Quote of the Day:
“Ignorance is the parent of fear…” –Herman Melville, Moby Dick

** I feel compelled to repost that quote which I so badly butchered: “”…from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”

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