Published under Uncategorized.

Sorry I haven’t been posting lately…. I was under the impression that my blog was broken… apparently, I just have really bad timing and keep trying to post in the few minutes that my blog is down.

Just as a quick update, school started, and sucks appropriately. Work also sucks since I’m just banging my head on a wall whenever I’m there. Enough of things that suck… I have a new world. I had an idea for my new world while sitting in class, actually. My new world has people and places and history and intrigue… oh, for those of you who don’t role play, this is my new D&D world that I am creating. Can’t say too much since some of the people who will be playing in the world might read my blog, but I’m fairly excited about having some inspiration… Haven’t had much of that since all my gaming stuff was stolen last year…

Ya know, I still wouldn’t mind it if whoever stole that would just drop it back by my house…

Anyway, gotta run… only had a second. Later.

p.s. I’ve had many many good quotes of the days, but since I haven’t been writing them down, I’m afraid they’re all gone… suck.

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