Published under Uncategorized.

Well I couldn’t very well go a full month without updating could I?

I’ve been busy. My grandfather passed away right before thanksgiving. Then I had finals. Then I ran the Odaroloc “Chapter 4″ finale. Then I wrote a small novel, which I have titled “MIT grad school application #1″ Then I reapplied for grad school at State. Then I sent off 24 letters. Wrapped 9 presents. Played a concern with Stephen Melillo. Screwed up 2 solos in Melillo’s The Universe Below. Slept. Watched Return of the King. Slept. and now I’m here…

I have a lot on my mind, and for once, I don’t feel like putting it down here or getting anyone’s opinions on it. However, if you can read my mind and would like to comment on my innermost thoughts, I’d be willing to read it.

ya know… I just don’t think I have much else to say right now.

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