Published under Uncategorized.

ok, first, I was wrong about the sniper… he was too stupid to fit my profile… anyways…

I’ve been slacking in my quotes lately, although I’ve had some nice ones… unfortunately, I can only remember two of them right now… first, from Dan of our role playing group, on horiscopes:

“Saggitarius: advantages: you’re good with a bow… disadvantages: you poop while you walk”

second… well, this is just odd… I’d say 5 points to whoever can tell me where this is from… I’ll even give you a hint ahead of time… it’s supposedly a love poem:

“The sky is blue. The world is a blind man/

squatting on the road.”

how random is that? and that’s the entire stanza, too… some people have bad definitions for poetry…

::sigh:: if only I could remember the others… oh well…

so, me and a friend here got into an argument today about an issue about to be voted on soon in Colorado. It’s called admendment 31 or something 31, anyway. The admendment proposes that any non-english speaking student wanting to be educated in CO would be put into one year of English immersion classes and taught fluent English before they are placed into a normal classroom/curriculum. Currently in CO, it is up to certain teachers to maintain a bilingual classroom (yes, mostly spanish), and it is the option of parents to have their children be taught in their native language. i.e. you don’t have to speak any english to graduate from schools here.

now… I have tons of opinions about this, but before I dive into that, I’m wondering what you think of this idea. If you need more clarification, ask, and I’ll try to find the answer.

and I think that about concludes this edition of my life. I’m tired, so I’m goin’ to bed. Goodnight.

p.s. Never ask your sensei, “is that supposed to hurt?” (cause the answer is, “no, but this is…” followed by, “AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!”)

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