Published under Uncategorized.

oh yeah, I fixed the comment system… been real busy… ironically, I’m not doing anything… but I’ve been real busy doing nothing… watched movies all day yesterday… just random movies… reading today… felt like rereading the 3rd harry potter book, and should be done with that after I get some food…. I’m hungry.

I have a cell phone… it’s nice… if anyone wants the number, email me… did I mention I’m hungry?

got the game started again up here… upon being told about the summer campaign, the group here has demanded a rematch against the memphis group… should be fun… they can’t do it for another 3 levels, but we’ll see :) man, I’m hungry…

got my work straighted out… I’m now working two jobs, getting paid LOTS o’ money… but don’t worry… I have lots more debt… actually have to pay for college this semester… how much does that suck?? hmmm… .hungry…

ok, I need food… .later

but first, this has to be the quote of the week right here… . 2 pts to person who guesses the author: oh, and I had to delete the lead in, cause that would have given it away….

…religious debates make me horny” –??

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