I ordered my new computer ::dances around the room:: In 3 days I will have a new 1.67 Ghz computer (dual board, single processor) with 512 Meg ram, with a GeForce 4 Ti4600 for graphics… now tell me that isn’t sweet, especially coming off of a PII 400 with a Voodoo2 card! Whenever the prices come down, I’ll pop in another MP 2000+ and have my dual athalon computer that I’ve been dreaming about for a while
in other news… wait… there’s really not any other news… nothing has happened today. I did have my substitute boss (long story) come into my office this morning with a palm pilot/mini PC the likes of which I’ve never seen before. He hands it to me and says “you know how to work one of those things?” At this point, I should note I was wiping drool off of my shoes because I just knew he was gonna give it to me for the summer. So I say for the most part, yes, and he says, good, cause I need help… I had to stiffle a DOH! but I helped him… he couldn’t figure out how to link it to his computer, so I installed the software and showed him how… no handheld computer for me…