Another day gone… I feel so lazy and worthless… all I did today was eat, sleep, and watch tv.
Bought the movie The Siege with Bruce Willis and Denziel Washington, or however you spell his name. I thought it might have been an appropriate movie to watch, but I was startled at exactly how many parallels there are between the movie and what has happened this week. I highly recommend all those with sound minds to rent it and watch it. I don’t want to give away all the secrets, but look for these: the terrorists in the movie were trained by the CIA and then turned on the US. The terrorists were on the terrorist “watch list” but still managed to get into the country. The other terrorists made it into the country under student visas. The movie also touches on hate crimes and martial law, and of course is set in new york. I have to say it’s an exceptionally eerie feeling watching the movie. Kinda makes you feel anxious among other things.
To reciprocate the kindness shown to me, and to test my ability to add links to a blog, I’m going to attempt to give you all (all, like, one of you) a link to Amanda’s Blog. Be sure to check it out if you get a chance…
Well, I probably need sleep… I’ve watched quite a few movies today and it’s late… Let’s see… I’ve watched battlefield: earth, cherry 2000 (shows you how little was on tv today), the siege, fists of legend, from dusk till dawn, plus a lot of tv like the news and mtvX. boy do I feel lazy…